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Religious Studies

Curriculum Intent & Rationale

At Camp Hill we believe students should study an ambitious and culturally rich curriculum that equips them for life. Our departmental aim is that all students will be able to make sense of religions and worldviews around them and begin to understand the complexity of the world by the time they leave the school. Religious Studies is primarily about enabling students to become freethinking, critical participants of public discourse, who can make academically informed judgements about important matters of religion and belief, which shape the global landscape. Students will build the skills that will allow them to participate respectfully in dialogue through verbal and written discourse whilst examining their own character development and worldview.

Religious Studies trip

Religious Studies is important because it provides a particular set of materials through which pupils come to understand important aspects about the world and themselves. It challenges pupils to reflect on, consider, analyse, interpret and evaluate issues of truth, belief, faith and ethics and to be able to communicate their responses effectively and reverently.

Religious Studies encourages pupils to develop their sense of identity and belonging, as well as their skills in critical thinking and analysis. It enables them to flourish individually within their communities and as citizens in a pluralistic society and global community, ensuring that they have the tools they will need in order to participate in society as informed individuals.

Schools have to teach RE but parents can withdraw their children for all or part of the lessons. Students can choose to withdraw themselves once they’re 18. If you wish to request that your child is withdrawn, please contact the school directly to discuss this with a member of the Senior Leadership Team.

Implementing Our Curriculum

Key Stage 3

At Key Stage 3, students will explore a range of religious and non-religious beliefs through thematic and systematic study in line with the Walsall Agreed Syllabus.

Over three years in Key Stage 3, students will build layers of understanding, development of different academic skills and a sense of the temporal and spatial relationships between religious and non-religious beliefs.

The department uses an array of differing teaching strategies including experiential learning, the use of artefacts and visits to places of worship to enable all students to make progress in the subject.

Key Stage 4

Religious Studies GCSE is a compulsory subject for students at Camp Hill where we follow AQA specification A.

The students study Christianity and Sikhi as the chosen religions for Paper 1.

For Paper 2, the students study the following themes, Relationships and Families, The Existence of God and Revelation, Religion, Peace and Conflict and Religion, Crime and Punishment.

The department uses various different teaching strategies to enable the students to achieve highly at GCSE including the use of work packs, debates, art to explore philosophical concepts, high level questioning, and visits to places of worship including a gurdwara and Coventry Cathedral.

Key Stage 5

At Key Stage 5, Religious Studies is an option at A Level available for all students in the Sixth Form where we study AQA Religious Studies A Level with the chosen religion being Buddhism.

A departmental focus is to engage the students with a selection of teaching and learning approaches to enable them to achieve well at A Level, including debates and discussions, attending academic conferences, students presenting ethical and philosophical concepts and independent research.

What do Sixth Formers think of studying RS at A level?


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Religious Studies Beyond the Classroom

We believe that good Religious Studies should extend beyond the classroom and so the department aims to offer range of enrichment opportunities, including our very popular residential trips to Rome and Amsterdam. Students are invited to attend lectures from eminent professors which encourage “blue sky” thinking, which we feel is as important as enriching their understanding of examination content. Our programme of local visits allows students to meet with believers in their places of worship, developing their understanding of faith in action in our community.

Curriculum Maps