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Admissions & Open Days

Open Days

We will host an Open Morning on Wednesday 5th March for those families who are in receipt of an offer or a place at King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls, but who have not visited the school previously. This is for students potentially coming to us in Year 7, September 2025.

Please note, this will be by appointment only. Please contact the school's main office to arrange this. Open Morning will run from 10.40-11.30am. Visitors should arrive by 10.30am and report to Main Reception.

Our next Open Evening will take place in the Summer of 2025, further information regarding this will be updated in due course.


Admission to KEVI Camp Hill School for Girls is usually at two entry key points: Year 7 for Main School and Year 12 for Sixth Form. However, there may be opportunities for in-year admissions should places become available in Years 7, 8, 9 or 10.

The King Edward VI Academy Trust Board have determined the qualifying score for entry in September 2025 will remain at 224. The priority score will be 205.

The latest Admissions Policy can be found below, along with our catchment area map. Previous admission policies can be found on the School Policies page.

Admissions Timetable

Announcement – The Grammar Schools in Birmingham Entrance Test
If your child is currently in Year 5 and you would like them to sit the entrance test for entry to Year 7, you will need to register online for the test - for the relevant dates please follow the link below to the Birmingham Grammar Schools Admissions Timetable.

If any dates/plans regarding the entrance test change from those already published, this will be communicated as soon as possible. We are monitoring the situation and will follow advice and guidance from the Government.

Information about registering for the Entrance Test:

Latest Admissions Timetable:
Register for the Entrance Test:


At the King Edward VI Foundation, we welcome children from all backgrounds into our schools.

As part of our efforts to further improve the accessibility of our schools, children who are eligible for the Pupil Premium can receive early access to our online support platform to help them to become familiar with the kinds of questions that will be in the entrance test.We partner with Atom Home to deliver this support.

If your child is in Year 4 or 5 and has been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years, please fill in the form by clicking the link below. You will be given free access to Atom Home for your child when their Pupil Premium status has been verified by their primary school.

Follow this link to access the form.

Atom is a fun, free platform which adapts to your child’s level. As a parent, you will be able to see how your child is progressing and keep up to date with new homework your child has been assigned.

In-Year Admissions (Years 7 to 11)

The school currently has no places.

Year 7 (first term)

If a vacancy arises during the first term of Year 7, the waiting list in existence from 1st March of that year will be used and the place offered in accordance with the admissions criteria. This is a list of those who sat the entrance test and achieved the qualifying score who did not receive an offer from this school or a more preferred school. 

Mid Year 7–11

At any point from January after the pupil starts Year 7, parents may apply for a place at the school. In-year vacancies normally only become available if a current pupil is leaving the school. Any applicant who cannot be offered a place will be added to the school’s waiting list and parents will be informed of their right of appeal. If a vacancy arises, candidates on the waiting list will be invited to take a test and the place will be awarded to the highest scoring candidate above a minimum standard.

Parents/carers will need to reapply at the start of each academic year if they want their child to be included on the waiting list where a place cannot be offered.

Please note: Students must be resident in the UK to apply for the waiting list.

The school will notify parents/carers in writing within 15 school days of the outcome of their in-year application.

Please complete an application using this form: