School Uniform
We want our students to be smart at all times. The uniform identifies them to the school and they are therefore our ambassadors. (School uniform information is also listed in the student handbooks.)
The mural below was created for our pre-loved uniform show by a group of talented students: Abeerah Ajaz, Janani Anand, Miriam Shpanin, Emily Jones, Amelie Baker, Pavithra Venkataramaiah
Our suppliers work very closely with the school and understand our requirements; they are the only stockists of the school blouse. No other suppliers stock our uniform.
Clive Mark School Wear
Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists
Formerly Early Years Schoolwear.
Back to School Parents' Guide 2021 - including early bird offers:
Bookings for 1:1 shopping appointments with Monkhouse Schoolwear Specialists are now open. Book now to secure your appointment, get uniform ready for September and beat the August rush.
You can book now at
Midland Schoolwear
Main School (Key Stage 3 & 4)
Indoor Wear
These must be pleated or banner style, knee-length or just below, navy skirt with a school logo on the waistband and purchased from our suppliers.
Plain navy blue trousers purchased from our suppliers can be worn. Please do not purchase from other sources.
These are fitted blouses in pale blue with revere and an optional school badge. They are designed to be worn outside the skirt or trousers. Our uniform suppliers (see above) are the only suppliers of this style which we can confirm does not show beneath the school jumper if worn. In cold weather t–shirts may be worn under shirts providing they are not visible.
The navy blazer is available from our stockists and has the school crest on the top pocket.
Sweatshirt/Jumper (optional)
A navy blue, long sleeved, V-necked sweater, with an optional school badge, may be worn. This may be in sweatshirt material or a knitted version.
Science Lab Coat
Optional for main school. Lab coats will be provided if required, or they can be purchased through the science department.
Art Overall
Optional for main school. Art overalls can be borrowed if required.
Shoes and socks
Shoes must be plain black, brown or navy blue and the heel height should not exceed four centimetres. Shoes must give adequate support to cope with the movement around school and should be leather or leather effect and not canvas. Boots or ankle boots of any sort are not allowed. Some girls develop podiatry problems and footwear has to be adapted. Should this happen please supply a covering letter from the doctor.
Socks or tights must be worn. Socks must be navy or black ankle or knee length; tights must be plain flesh coloured, navy or black. No patterns please.
In wet or snowy weather, outdoor footwear may need to be changed on arrival at school. Boots or trainers may not be worn around school.
Hair must be kept off the face and long hair must be tied back during science, technology and PE. Hair bands, ribbons or slides in plain navy may be worn.
Some students have highlights or experiment with hair dye. This is fine providing the colours are natural, i.e. brown, black, blonde or chestnut. Extremes of colour are not acceptable in school.
Headscarves (optional)
Many Muslim students choose to wear a headscarf. This must be plain black or navy blue. Headscarves must be securely tied especially for Science. Headscarves must be removed for P.E. lessons - a specialist sports headcovering, a navy sports hijab with sky blue trim is to be worn for PE lessons in order to ensure students’ full participation, safety and personal comfort.
Students are only allowed to wear a watch and one pair of plain gold or silver stud earrings. We do not accept any other visible form of body piercing. Pendants of religious significance should not be in view. In the case of the Kara, it must be kept up the sleeve. Everything must be removed for P.E. lessons.
Students in KS4 are allowed to wear discrete make–up. Nail varnish must be clear or neutral in colour.
Outdoor Wear
Coats must be worn in wet weather; these may be any colour/style but must be suitable for British weather. A navy fleece jacket available from suppliers is another option. A scarf and hat may be worn in cold weather. A navy plastic raincoat or lightweight cagoule is useful in wet weather, or to be carried in summer. We do not accept coats or jackets that are made of denim or corduroy.
Once inside school, outdoor clothing must be removed and kept in the student's locker.
Information for Parents of Students Joining CHG in September 2025
Please be advised that the PE uniform list will be updated in due course. Further details will be shared on the website and during the Information Evening (date to be announced).
P.E. Kit
- Light blue and navy t-shirt with embroidered school badge
- Light blue and navy concept/over layer with the embroidered school badge
- Navy long hockey/football socks
- Hockey or football boots. It does not matter which
- Trainers
- White ankle or trainer socks
- Shin pads - for hockey/football (these must be worn)
- Gum shield - for hockey (this must be worn)
- Plain one-piece navy swimsuit or the one piece long sleeved black swimsuit/bodysuit
- Plain navy swimming cap
- Navy skort or navy shorts with school logo
- Navy long sleeved base layer with the school name on the sleeve - optional
- Navy waterproof jacket with school badge and school name – optional
- Navy leggings with school name (may be worn under the skort) – optional
- Navy tracksuit trousers with embroidered school badge – optional
- Navy sports hijab with sky blue trim – optional
Sixth Form Dress Code
We fully expect students to adhere to the Sixth Form dress code. Students found not to be following this may be sent home to change, or alternatives sought from the school.
The dress code is one suitable for a working environment, avoiding items which are too casual. Through our dress code we aim to:
- Encourage pride in the school
- Support teaching and learning
- Encourage a sense of equality and cohesion
- Support Sixth Form students to act as leaders and role models for the rest of the school
All Sixth Form Students
- A plain grey suit, which must be purchased from our Uniform Suppliers, comprising a jacket and the matching trousers or skirt between the knee and ankle of the same colour and material as the jacket.
- Any shirt, top or blouse (these can be plain, patterned or striped). This must be smart and not display a large logo or motif. It must have sleeves, short or long. Smart jewellery, scarves and accessories may be worn.
- A School issued House-coloured lanyard and ID badge must also be worn at all times.
Sixth Formers may wear earrings. They may also wear a small nose stud (not a hoop). No other visible piercings are permitted.
The following may not be worn:
- Hoodies
- Very short or very long skirts, low-cut tops, jumpers which cannot be worn beneath the suit jacket.
- Trainers, canvas shoes, pumps, boots of a suede or snow variety such as UGG boots, or flip flops. Trousers must not be tucked into boots.
Outdoor clothing must not be worn in school. Suit jackets must be worn at all times in the main school building.
Students engaged in practical activities (e.g. PE, Drama) may bring suitable clothing to wear for those lessons, but change back into formal clothes/shoes at the end of the lesson.
If you opt for a science A Level a lab coat can be purchased through the science department.
If you choose to study A Level Art an art overall can be borrowed from the Art department.
The uniform policy and dress code have been approved by the Governing body after due consideration of legislative requirements, non-statutory guidance, pupil safety, and religious and cultural practices.
If any student requires support in purchasing appropriate uniform please contact the school.
Second-hand Uniform (Main School)
Second-hand items of uniform are often available.
Please complete the form below if you wish to purchase an item.
Second-hand Uniform Request Form
Second-hand Uniform (Sixth Form)
Second-hand items of uniform are often available.
Please complete the form below if you wish to purchase an item.
Sixth Form Second-hand Uniform Request Form