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Special Educational Needs & Disabilities

Camp Hill is an inclusive school. We believe that all children, including those with special educational needs and disabilities, must have their needs addressed and that they should have the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced education. It is important to consider the views of children and that their opinions will be taken into account. Furthermore, we understand the vital role that parents have in supporting their children’s education and actively seek to foster good home-school liaison.

SEND Information Report

We cater for a wide range of Special Educational Needs & Disabilities, providing appropriate support as identified through a range of strategies.  Progress of students with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities is monitored regularly.

The headings below provide a brief summary of some of the key aspects of the report and how it is implemented. The full report, along with our full SEND Policy, can be accessed within our policies page.

Birmingham Local Offer

The Birmingham Local Authority Local SEND Offer can be accessed here and we hope you find everything you need to meet your child’s Special Educational Needs.


The school has a SENDCo, Miss L. Orr, who is responsible for:

  • The day-to-day implementation of the school’s SEND policy
  • Coordinating provision for pupils with special needs
  • Maintaining a SEND record and overseeing the records of identified students
  • Liaising with and advising staff, contributing to the in-service training of staff
  • Liaising with and advising parents/guardians including the reviews of registered students
  • Liaising with and advising external agencies, liaising with the school’s Learning Mentor.

Parents can contact the Form Tutor or Miss Orr via the school email ( or by telephone (0121 444 2150) as needed.

Assess - Plan - Do - Review

In addition to the normal school report systems, parents/carers of our SEND students have the opportunity to attend a meeting (Autumn Term) with the SENDCo and their child to formalise SEND specific targets and associated strategies as well as attend review meetings at an agreed date to discuss and review progress and next steps. There are regular opportunities to engage with the SENDCo to review progress and set new targets if there are new barriers to progress or if your child is not making expected progress. Parents/carers will have the opportunity to discuss progress with teachers at Progress Evenings, telephone or email to individual teachers.

Students play a pivotal role in the development of their Pupil Profile. They attend all the meetings (initial and review) and are asked to contribute their thoughts and feelings regarding their needs and the intervention/support. All reflections on the provision in place is centred around the student; this is alongside subject specific discussions with teaching staff. Students have several opportunities in different forums, including Tutor Day, Form monitoring and Form Council to express their views and opinions about all aspects of their school life.

If any occasion arises where a parent or guardian feels the need to express a concern they should contact the SENDCo in the first instance. If it is not possible to resolve concerns at this level then concerns should be expressed in writing to Ms. K. Stevens, Headteacher, with a copy to the link Governor for SEND, Mr. Kinkhabwala (addressed to the school). Procedures for further escalation are in the full report.

Useful Contacts and advice pages

SEND Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)

SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) is primarily concerned with ensuring that parents, children and young people have easy access to comprehensive, quality and impartial advice to ensure that they are able to properly participate in all education, health and other care decisions.

The following useful websites may also be of assistance.

Other useful contacts


Students with SEND are offered the same opportunities as all students and the necessary, reasonable adjustments are made to ensure that all activities are inclusive. Please see our website for the lists of activities which are updated regularly.

Useful Information