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Year 12 Transition


Dear Students,

This is an exciting time in your education, and we are so pleased that you have chosen King Edward VI Camp Hill School for Girls’ Sixth Form for the next stage of that journey. I firmly believe that our students are outstanding – not just academically, but also in terms of the way in which our Sixth Form Community comes together as a cohort to support and inspire others. During your time in the Sixth Form I hope that you fully immerse yourself in the rich curriculum that we offer here; expect to be challenged academically but also be inspired by your teachers and peers. It is the breadth of subjects that we offer, alongside the plethora of extracurricular opportunities, clubs and societies that makes our Sixth Form experience so highly regarded. I would therefore encourage you to get involved in as much as you can!

The transition into Sixth Form is also about learning how to be more independent, and continuing to develop those valuable life skills that will take you on to a fulfilling and rewarding future. This year we will be welcoming around 80 students from schools across the city, in addition to those students that have spent their Key Stage 3 and 4 experience at Camp Hill. Your Form Tutors, our Prefects and the Sixth Form staff, are all on hand to help support you along the way. You will be provided with a Handbook which will answer many of the answers to questions you might have in the first few weeks of term, however, if there is anything we can do to support your move in to the Sixth Form then please don’t hesitate to ask – we want to make the next step in your education as smooth as possible.

I wish you all the very best for the next two years, as a member of our Sixth Form, and really look forward to welcoming you to the school in September!

With my very best wishes,

Mrs J. Parker-Hall

Head of Year 12


Sixth Form Handbook


Frequently Asked Questions

Question Answer

Are there any school buses I could get to school?

We do not have a school bus, however, many of our students travel to school on public transport. Please see our bus routes page for further information: 

When and where can I buy my uniform?


We have 3 uniform suppliers - their details are on our uniform page - but you can purchase your uniform when suits you. If not purchasing online please check the details of opening times for each supplier and any covid restrictions that may be in place.


Transition Work

Computer Science


Research 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley and 'Othello' by William Shakespeare.

This research can include familiarising yourself with the overall plot, themes and characters.

You could also look at the context of the worlds in which both Shelley and Shakespeare were writing. 

English Literature
