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Celebrating Success

Celebrations of school and student success are posted daily on Twitter. The school also has an official Facebook page; follow us here.

Rewards are the positive recognition of achievement, contribution and progress and are an important part of maintaining student motivation and high expectations. It is important to reward students who consistently work hard to achieve their best as well as recognising students who show a sustained improvement over time.

Rewards may include:

  • Praise/verbal comments
  • Written comments
  • Prominent display of student work
  • House Points*
  • Praise letters
  • Stickers
  • Postcards
  • Certificates
  • Public commendations (in assembly for example)
  • Good Egg Award: awarded each week to a member of the Form who has made a difference to others in a small way during the week
  • Sunshine Award: half termly nomination from the Form Tutor for contributions to the life of the Form in Years 7-11
  • Celebration event
  • Recognition at annual prize giving events and celebrations




* House point totals are displayed on the home page of this website; and information about the Houses themselves can be found here.