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Sixth Form


Sixth Form class

Heads of Year Message

Here at Camp Hill we really pride ourselves in being able to offer an academically rich experience in a really supportive community. 

Throughout your two years with us in the Sixth Form we try to support you in a whole host of different ways. You will gain that valuable academic support from your teachers and subject leaders, plus you will also have access and daily contact with your form tutor. Daily contact means that you can discuss pastoral and academic matters with them and gain that support as required, and that is overseen by us as Heads of Year.

We also have a range of more specific, tailored support should our students require it, and that may include access to subject mentors, peer mentors and we also have access to an in-school counsellor for our students.

The Sixth Form is the driving force of the whole school community through its House system. The system requires leadership from you and so it provides you with leadership opportunities. The House system, the prefect system, they both keep the channels of communication open between staff and Sixth Form. There are other opportunities for this via clubs, societies and student council.

All of these aspects help to prepare you to become that well-rounded student that we want to see leave us at the end of your two years. We want you to be ready to embrace whatever life beyond Camp Hill might be, whether that be the world of work, degree apprenticeships, or of course higher education.

We really do pride ourselves on the quality of the teaching and learning and the support that we are able to offer all of our students. Our aim ultimately is to help develop you as a person and to allow you to make those positive choices and those positive contributions to wider society in the future.

Mr C. Revitt, Mrs J. Parker-Hall & Ms V. Ridley

Head of Student Leadership & Heads of Year for the Sixth Form

Sixth Form block

Life in the Sixth Form

What I personally really like about the Sixth Form life is the independent study time that we have. This is a chance for us to work at our own pace and catch up on any homework or revision that we may have to do.

We have two brand new common rooms - these are shared with the boys school so they are a great opportunity to meet more new people. They've got some great spaces to do group activities or just to work with your friends around.

I was new to the school in September and one thing that stuck out to me the most was that there's a wide range of clubs and societies on topics such as current affairs, MedSoc and a load of music groups that you can join.

I've been at Camp Hill since Year 7, but something that was really exciting for me when joining the Sixth Form was you got more of an opportunity to be involved in extra-curriculars - running them and leading them. I mentor some younger year groups in some clubs, I also do talks at Computing Society and more recently I've helped expand LGBT societies.

In Year 13 you get the opportunity to join the senior prefect team in a variety of roles, such as a Wellbeing Prefect or a House Captain. It is a great opportunity to get involved in what's going on in school, not only in Sixth Form but in the main school as well, and try and make a difference.

When looking at different Sixth Forms for myself what really drew me to Camp Hill was the integration of Arts and Humanities subjects in the school environment. Even though Camp Hill has a really strong STEM reputation there still seems to be a strong integration of Arts and students' other subjects.

When I was transitioning into the school everyone was really generous, really open to communicating. There's a really strong community culture in this school, which I love.

There's a great opportunity to either organise or participate in things like the dance show, show choir or talent show; which really give you an opportunity to to showcase your talents outside of the academia.

Overall Camp Hill has a really strong academic and social environment, as well as presenting us with lots of opportunities , so I think it's an ideal place to study.

Sixth Form Upper Common Room